Welcome to the board lost husband. Listen to what Mouthy said. She, like many others, knows all too well that the Watchtower org. is a dangerous and destructive cult. My husband and I were in this cult for nearly 50 years before we were able to leave but not without repercussions. He was disfellowshipped in 2005 for telling the Elders about the Watchtower's involvement with the United Nations, showing them written articles in the Watchtower publications teaching hatred to those who leave the cult, and the cover-ups of all the pedophiles in the congregations. If you would like to hear what went on in his judicial committee meeting with the Elders, go to our website at www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com Go to the "fly on the wall" and click on to hear his whole hearing that was secrectly recorded. Although the local Elders sent me a letter to tell me that I too was disfellowshipped for apostasy, I appealed their decision and it was overturned by the Governing Body when I threatened to sue them!I did not appeal their decision because I wanted to remain a Jehovah's Witness but because I hoped that our family members who are Witnesses would not shun us. But, even that didn's work. We have two daughters, their husbands and our oldest grandson who do shun us. Also all of my husband's family who are still Witnesses have nothing to do with us. The Watchtower organization is nothing more than a business masquerading as a religion. It is, in fact a dangerous and destructive cult. That is why we continue to expose them. We hope to save others from getting involved before they ruin their lives for the sake of this cult. We host a live telephone conference call every other Saturday night where we have guests who come on and tell our listeners from all over the world about how they were "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower"! Please feel free to join us on the call this Saturday, August 29,2009 at 7 p.m.EST. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin number use 9925. There is no cost for the call, just your normal calling rates apply. This Saturday we will be having as our special guest Daniel Chamberlayne, author of the book "Kingdom Hall No MOre". We hope you can join us to hear his riviting story of why he left Jehovah's Witnesses.
the research lady
JoinedPosts by the research lady
Can someone help me?
by losthusband inhi - i'm new here so go easy on me!.
i've been lurking for a while trying to find out info on the jws.
some questions i have:.
Rick Fearon's Conference Call Was Cool Tonight!
by jamiebowers inlady lee was the guest, and farkel, flipper alltime jeff, middleman, mouthy and some other jwners lent their voices to the mix.
it was so cool to hear them talking!
sorry that i didn't mention everyone by name, but i didn't catch some of them.
the research lady
Hello! everyone, we are glad that so many of you were able to join in on the call on Saturday. Lady Lee did a fantastic job telling her story and we were happy to have her on as a guest. It was really interesting to hear so many voices of those who are regulars on this board. Kool Aid Man and I would like to thank all those who came on the call and shared their experiences as well as all of you who just listened in. Make sure you tune in again if you can on Saturday August 29,2009 as we will be interviewing a man who will be telling his story about how he too was "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower". We will post more information as that time draws near. In the meantime, you can listen to past recorded calls, including this one that should be posted some time this week by going to www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com and scrolling down to conference calls. Just click on the phone and you can listen to some of the other interesting guests we have had on the program.
Besty Unplugged - My Life Story Part 1
by besty inmy story part 1 where did it all go wrong?.
hi, my name is paul and im an ex-jehovahs witness.
by the end of this sorry tale i hope to be an ex-ex-jehovahs witness.
the research lady
Hello! Paul, thank you for sharing your story. I'm looking forward to more info. The pictures are also great. It caught my interest to read your story as my relatives on my mother's side were from Scotland also. Please share more with us as you can. Thanks The Research Lady
When Prophesy Fails - Why they stay
by Lady Lee inwhen prophesy fails - why they stay.
in the book when prophecy fails by leon festinger talks about why people still cling to their religious beliefs after they are proved false.
he starts the book with this:.
the research lady
Hello! Lady Lee, thankyou for this post. Thank you for being a guest on our conference call on Saturday Aug. 15. The information you shared is so important to so many people who listened in as you explained your own background and how you too have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower"! In view of this information that you posted I like to say that Jehovah's Witnesses "erase your past" "control your present" and "lie about your future". And, one of the reasons why so many stay in this cult even with its many failed prophicies is because of what is known as "sump cost". In other words, they have invested so many years of their lives that it is very scary to leave at this point. After all, what if the Watchtower is right. Although I myself was in this cult for nearly 50 years, I finally had enough and was not afraid to leave. I too, had much to lose as I have two daughters, their husbands, and my oldest grandson who are still Witnesses and who shun both myself and my husband "Kool Aid Man". But, since I am now a real Christian and have come to know who Jesus Christ really is, I am able to cope with these loses as I continue to pray for my children every day that one day they too will see the "real truth".(John 14:6).
JWN night Saturday August 15,2009 on the conference call
by koolaid-man inour second annual jwn night will take place this saturday august 15,2009 7p.m.est.
this will be a great opportunity to hear the voices and connect with the real personalities of the people behind the avatars.
chat with people who are, in their own unique way, have made jwn the most popular ex-jw forum on the net.
the research lady
If you cannot participate via your telephone , w e are again host ing this conference call on Paltalk . Y ou can download & use Paltalk basic for FREE. Go to http://www.paltalk.com/ Click "Download for Free" follow installation directions . NOTE: I recommend using a separate hotmail / gmail account for Paltalk registration, not your regular E-mail account, I have been getting reports of a volume Spam coming through Paltalk. The room name for tonight's conference call is: Six Screens Of The Watchtower It is found under "Religion and Spirituality" subsection "Christianity" -
Philippians 2:5-11
by PSacramento inin paul's letter to the phillipans, typically dated 50-60 ad, paul says:.
your attitude should be the same as christ.
you being the very nature(form) of god, did not consider equality to god as something to be held on to (grasped), but made himself nothing, thaking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness.
the research lady
Adding to the proof of who Jesus really is can be seen in Acts 20:28 where Luke wrote "Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with HIs own blood". (NASB) There are so many other scriptures proving the deity of Christ that can even be seen in the NWT if we take the time to study them.
Non-Existent First Century GB / Council Quotes from Old Publications?
by Ultimate Reality ini am looking for any references regarding the existence or (even better) the non-existence of a first century council / governing body in old watchtower publications.
it would most likely center on acts 14 and 15.. many of us have heard the fred franz recording about how there was no such body in the first century.
anybody have any pre-1970's quotes on this subject?.
the research lady
When Kool Aid Man and I visited Brooklyn at the invitation of one member of the "Governing Body" Losch back in 2001 I asked him "Isn't it true that there was no such thing as a governing body until 1976"? HIs answer was YES.
Read Skeeter's thread on man in German Kingdom Hall with a gun
by the research lady inif you read the story skeeter wrote and the comments that follow, you will see how what i am about to say ties in.
anyone who denies that being one of jehovah's witnesses can add to or cause many illnesses, including mental illness such as schizophrenia among others, i will share some statements from watchtower's own publications.
although the horrible crime that just took place in san antonio texas may not have been a direct result of the woman's involvement with jehovah's witnesses, statements such as the following could do nothing more than add to an already volatile situation.
the research lady
If you read the story Skeeter wrote and the comments that follow, you will see how what I am about to say ties in. Anyone who denies that being one of Jehovah's Witnesses can add to or cause many illnesses, including mental illness such as schizophrenia among others, I will share some statements from Watchtower's own publications. Although the horrible crime that just took place in San Antonio Texas may not have been a direct result of the woman's involvement with Jehovah's Witnesses, statements such as the following could do nothing more than add to an already volatile situation. In the Watchtower of March 1,1983 page 25, par.16 it is boldly stated "Consider some of the other "twisted things" used to mislead God's people today. On occasion opposers will question the various teachings that Jehovah's people hold in common. Often this becomes a debate about words, just as it was in the first century. (1Tim.6:3.4)They may also question the need for an organization to DIRECT THE MINDS of God's people". Is it just me or do I see a reference to mind control. In "Watching the world" Awake November 8,1995 page 28 under the heading Mental Illness Among Children it says,"Some mental-health experts think that one of the reasons is the lack of meaningful conversations between children and their parents". When printing this did the Watchtower leaders consider that their non-Biblical shunning policies could result in some types of mental anguish and problems for parents who have children who shun them or parents who shun their own children simply on the grounds that they no longer want to remain part of this Satanic,dangerous and destructive cult.There is no doubt in my mind, myself who was one of Jehovah's Witnesses for nearly 50 years, that remaining in this Organization will bring about nothing but severe problems and heartache for all those who insist that they have the "truth".
Jehovah's Witnesses "snapping" under pressure, their flawed doctrine must be sending people "over the edge"!
by the research lady inin the last year the watchtower's public relations department is being inundated with inquiries concerning jehovah's witnesses and their bizarre behaviour.
the recent murder and cannabalism of a three week old baby is the latest in a series of ongoing horrific news articles linking jehovah's witnesses to acts of violent crimes.
http://www.seattlepi.com/national/408515_baby28.html?source=mypi what is causing these problems?
the research lady
In the last year the Watchtower's public relations department is being inundated with inquiries concerning Jehovah's Witnesses and their bizarre behaviour. The recent murder and cannabalism of a three week old baby is the latest in a series of ongoing horrific news articles linking Jehovah's Witnesses to acts of violent crimes. http://www.seattlepi.com/national/408515_baby28.html?source=mypi What is causing these problems? Could it be the fear, the guilt, the burdens, the Watchtower org. places on the Witnesses? Or perhaps it is linked with their obsession with demonism and the teachings of the immenent destruction of the entire world at Armageddon. The conference call Saturday, August 1,2009 at 7p.m.EST will be discussing the mayhem in the Watchtower org. Join us on the call and you may be surprised at what's going on "behind the curtains" of the Watchtower. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin number use 9925. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rates apply. The telephone lines open at 6:30 for the pre-show, so come on early and meet new friends and talk with all of those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower". For more information http://www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/sixscreens-conferencecall.html
I Have A New Grandson But He's Very Sick :(
by minimus inhe was born yesterday with many complications including breathing problems, possible lung underdevelpment, anemia and body temperature issues.
the poor little guy was hooked up to a breathing tube and tons of monitors.
because the hospitals couldn't handle some of the problems, they sent him and my daughter to the best hospital in boston last night.
the research lady
Hey Min, I just read your post. So sorry to hear that Benjamin isn't doing well. I immediately prayed for you and your whole family. we will continue to keep you in our prayers. Please keep us posted."The research lady". You know who I am.